Stroller Comparison

Let’s talk strollers. I’m 4 years into using strollers and 1 year into using strollers for multiple kids, so I thought I would share the different strollers we’ve used and what we like about each of them. Do you need multiple strollers? No. Do different strollers serve different purposes? Yes. Each of the strollers we have and use is for a different purpose and all have served our family well for the stages that we’ve used them in.

UppaBaby Vista V2 Stroller

Shown with Double Car Seat Adapters and PiggyBack

This is the stroller I bought when I was pregnant with our first. I had experience using my sister’s with her kids, so I knew that it was what I wanted for my first baby. The smooth ride is unmatched, the size of the storage basket underneath is impressive, and the overall look is really nice. It’s the only stroller we used with Liam until we got to the point where we needed a travel stroller and found that was a little easier to take out since it was more compact and less parts. Once the babies were born, we used the Vista with the 2 Mesa car seats and/or the bassinet attachments and loved it. I loved that the carseats clicked right in and the bassinets seemed to be enjoyed by the babies.

Overall, I’d say it is a fantastic stroller for just one baby or to use in the newborn stage with 2. It becomes a bit bulky when using 2 toddler seats, so I don’t love it for that stage. I also didn’t love that I would have to put the 2 seats + the stroller base in the car — it was just too many elements to pack up and set up whenever we went out.

Mockingbird Single-to-Double Stroller 2.0

Shown in Single Mode

I got this stroller when I worked with Mockingbird a few years ago. It is an impressive stroller for the price point – basically a more budget-friendly option of the Vista. The ride isn’t quite as smooth as the Vista, but it is still a great stroller! We store it at my parents’ house in SC, so that we have a stroller there when we visit. On our last trip, I put both toddler seats on it to take the babies for walks and really liked it. There’s more space between the toddler seats than the Vista, so it didn’t feel too cramped together. It’s a little hard to navigate with all that weight on it, but I think any in-line double stroller like that will be. If you’re in the market for a stroller that you’ll use for 2 toddler seats, I would recommend this one over the Vista.

* I did not use it with a carseat or infant, so I can’t speak to that.

Radio Flyer Voya XT Quad Stroller Wagon

With the babies getting bigger, I knew I wanted to get some sort of wagon to be able to transport all the kids. I did a little research and compared some popular/recommended brands and landed on this Radio Flyer one. Mike was skeptical of my purchase at first, but after using a few times he told me it’s the best purchase I’ve ever made…and I’m a shopper! A wagon is truly a must-have with multiple little kids. It’s great because they all have a seat, plus there’s plenty of room to throw all of the extra stuff in the base of the wagon or the storage basket. The seats can be folded up and “stored”, so it’s basically a playpen on wheels (or just a bit storage wagon) or you can just put down one side of the seats and keep the other side open for storage. There’s a zipper door to climb in and out, sun shades that work well, and a snack tray that allows for communal snacking, which is so cute!

We use this most when we take the kids to the park (or out to an activity) and it’s so handy. We can load the babies in, any toys or Liam’s scooter, and the diaper bag with plenty of room to spare. I know that we will use it for at least a few more years for them, so it was a worthwhile investment!

Zoe The Twin

Shown with Two Seats

We got the Zoe when the babies were about 6 months old and we have used it every day since! We have the V1, but they have since released a new and improved version, the V2. I love that it is just one piece – no need to take apart seats and bases, you just fold it in half and toss it in your trunk. It’s lightweight, easy to maneuver, fits through doorways, etc. I also love that they’re side-by-side, which makes the weight distribution easier to push around. We also have the 3rd seat that attaches to the front of the double, which I used for walks with all the kids when the babies were younger. It obviously gets heavy and harder to maneuver when you add the 3rd seat, but I loved that we had that option!

Any of my complaints of the Zoe Twin V1 were resolved with the V2 (adjustable handle, different harness system, etc.). If you’re going to buy one, definitely get the V2!

Quick Comparison Chart

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Lauren Bown Lifestyle Blog is an online destination where I share my personal style, beauty finds, and bits of life in hopes to inspire other women to feel good in their skin and find the beauty in the ordinary.

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