Learn A New Way To Wrap
This time of year my social media is flooded with gift wrapping videos! I included some below to hopefully help inspire you to learn a new wrapping method and make your gifts stand out.
5 Videos

Buy Some Festive & Fun Wrapping Paper
You could even pick a different paper for each person so all their gifts under the tree are easy to spot when it’s time to unwrap!
options for everyone

options for kids

Add Ribbons, Bows, and Accents
There’s also tons of tutorials online for ways to wrap these around gifts! And adding an accent item can elevate your gift even more!
ribbons & bows

fun accents

Add An Ornament
You could pick something personal or just a pretty ornament you think they”ll like! You could even take it a step further by finding one that matches the wrapping paper you used!
a few ideas