Twenty Sixteen

i’m somewhere between “i can hardly believe it’s already a whole new year” and “bring it, new year”…wavering between excitement for things to come and new goals to be achieved, but wishing that i had appreciated a bit more of all of the things that happened in 2015.

2015 ended up being a big year for me. 
Mike moved into an apartment in the city, which means that, for the first time in our entire relationship, we live within the same city limits (and just 15 minutes from each other)! i became an aunt for the second time. i am officially a member at Costco (yes, this is newsworthy to me – bring on the bulk purchases of toilet paper and wine!) i became closer to being 30 years old than i am 20. i rented my first rental car. i had my best year yet in business (!!!) and the Dearly Box was born. i brought on my first assistant for Elisabeth Ashlie. i moved for the 6th time in my adult life. and i mastered parallel parking in the city (mostly). 
2016 has something to live up to, in terms of milestones and personal achievements. i’m usually not one for new year’s resolutions, mostly because i’m one of the thousands that doesn’t actually stick to it past the second week of January, but also because i don’t like failing to meet a goal that i set. so, i don’t typically set goals. (maybe i should set a goal to set goals, and then i’ll have to…) i have taken a bit of time to think through some things that i’d like to work on and accomplish in this year, so i thought i’d share them with you and ask you for yours! i always enjoy hearing what other people are working at or looking forward to, so please share! 
my goals/hopes/aspirations for 2016:

– to have better posture
– to have an even better year for business
– to drink more water
– to actually keep a calendar
– to travel more
– to participate in another half marathon/sprint triathlon or other athletic event
– to spend less time on my phone when i’m with people*
*this was one of the things that i tried to be more conscious of near the end of 2015, but it’s still a struggle! 

they’re all totally achievable and manageable, so i’m hoping that they will be accomplished!
i guess we’ll see next year πŸ˜‰

planner: Rifle Paper Co | mug: Anthropologie 

Hi there!

Lauren Bown Lifestyle Blog is an online destination where I share my personal style, beauty finds, and bits of life in hopes to inspire other women to feel good in their skin and find the beauty in the ordinary.

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  1. 1.4.16

    More books, more travel, more activity. Less drama and distraction. Bring it 2016!!!

  2. 1.4.16

    Yes! More books for me and more activity! And I have the worst posture ever! I am hoping that as I get into shape and develop my core and back muscles more they will "pull my shoulders back!" I loved your comment about mastering parallel parking in the city! Parking in Chicago is no joke! We now live in WI but I grew up and lived in Chicago until last year!

    Annie- All Things Big And Small

    • 1.4.16

      That should definitely help – that's what I'm working on, too, to improve it!

  3. 1.4.16

    I love this post! One of my goals is to travel more often in 2016 as well!

  4. 1.4.16
    Gwen F said:

    My goal is to make 2016 the year of the purge. I want to rid my house of all the things that are not useful or needed.

    • 1.4.16

      That's a great goal! It feels so good to declutter and get rid of the things that are just taking up space.

  5. 1.4.16

    2015 definitely was an exciting year for you, and I hope 2016 is even better! I'm with you on putting the phone down around people – I know how annoyed I get when people that I'm with do that, so I probably should take note. πŸ™‚

    • 1.4.16

      That's exactly why I decided to work on it – I was finding myself getting irritated that other people did it, so I realized that I should probably stop doing it, too!

  6. 1.4.16

    I am the same way! i dont like doing resolutions, but rather have goals instead. I'm going to try and say "yes" to things more (as an introvert sometimes that's hard for me), and I also want to run a half marathon!

    • 1.4.16

      Those are great! After I finished my first half, I swore I would never do another (it was about 40 degrees and pouring rain the whole time – not fun!), but now I'm itching for another challenge.

  7. 1.4.16

    Those are great goals. I like that they are achievable and realistic. πŸ™‚ I also have that same planner and I love love love it!

  8. 1.4.16
    Alyssa said:

    A few of mine, though I have more thinking to do:
    -Wash my face each evening. (Just got a Clairsonic and so far, so good.) Next I need to add in flossing.
    -Train for a 5K in April.
    -Manage my money so that I can afford a membership to the local rock gym (I learned this weekend how much I LOVE going climbing!)
    -Cut myself off from technology more!
    -Get rid of the boxes I have set aside for Goodwill.
    -Be intentional about cooking recipes from my many cookbooks.
    -Find a dermatologist.
    -Let go of fear! That's a big overarching goal. πŸ™‚

  9. 1.4.16

    your goals sound great! a half marathon was on my list a couple years ago, I'm thinking I may need to do another one! Can't wait to see you complete them!
    Allison xo

  10. 1.4.16

    My word for the year: Simplify

    To train (bike/swim) with my Husband as he prepares to complete the Madison Ironman in Fall 2018.
    Work on life/work balance.
    No electronic devices after 9:30pm (expect my Kindle for reading)
    Follow a gluten-free diet because my body will thank me for it.

  11. 1.4.16

    I love that one of your goals is to have better posture! That's definitely something I could work on too.

    Kristi | Be Loverly

  12. 1.4.16

    Having better posture is totally something I need to work on! Great goals lady!


  13. 1.4.16
    Mandie said:

    Those are some great goals that can easily be reached. You go, girl! πŸ™‚