Checking In

holiday time for a business is no joke. most of you know by now that my “day job” is running Elisabeth Ashlie, which i love and enjoy doing everyday. since we launched The Dearly Box back in October, we’ve been churning our wheels a million miles a minute. then throwing in Black Friday/Cyber Monday and regular holiday orders, and i’m breathing, sleeping, eating all things EA. which means that i’m not making time to get ready most days, which then means that i’m not exactly in a position to take photos of my outfits…hence the quietness. 
so, i’m officially taking a break until 2016. well, with actual blog posts, that is. i’ll still be grammin’ and tweetin’ and snappin’ (@laurelizabeth4), but there likely won’t be a new post here until January. i’m not making any promises, though, i could surprise you with one so don’t go too far. 
have the happiest holidays! 

Hi there!

Lauren Bown Lifestyle Blog is an online destination where I share my personal style, beauty finds, and bits of life in hopes to inspire other women to feel good in their skin and find the beauty in the ordinary.

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