Taking A Minute

…or several days. 
mike and i hit the road last friday night and arrived at my family’s lakehouse late. we enjoyed a weekend relaxing with family, playing some golf, and exploring Lake Geneva on monday. he headed home Monday evening, leaving just me and my mom at the lake for the past few days. although i’ve been working a bit, i’ve only been doing the bare minimum to meet my requirements, otherwise relaxing and taking a breather. 
i can’t believe that summer is almost over and fall is around the corner. i had big plans for this summer, and it somehow seems like it’s come and gone like that. work, responsibilities, and obligations took over and i’m left sitting here at the middle of august wondering how on earth we’re almost onto the next season. certainly, i’ve done plenty of enjoyable things this summer and have nothing to complain about. it just seems like life truly is going by faster with each year. 
these past few days have been more essential than i realized. taking a few days off from my regular schedule and obligations to just be is like magic. i feel rested, restored, and ready to dive in head first to the next season. i’m working on some exciting things, both personally and professionally, that i’m hoping will come to life in the fall. 
i’m heading back to the city on friday and will, no doubt, throw myself into purging, cleaning and packing. we’re just about 2 weeks away from moving day…and there’s quite a bit left for me to do! i’m incredibly anxious to get into the new place and get settled. i’m looking forward to having the space to really make it a home and to living with two of my closest friends. 
while i still have some time to relax on the cozy porch, full of fresh air and sunlight, i’m going to. i know that there’s a whirlwind of things that is about to take flight back home, so i’m soaking in all the bird chirps, wave crashes, and red wine that i can at the lake 🙂

Hi there!

Lauren Bown Lifestyle Blog is an online destination where I share my personal style, beauty finds, and bits of life in hopes to inspire other women to feel good in their skin and find the beauty in the ordinary.

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  1. 8.14.14

    I can totally relate! I can't believe another summer is coming to an end already. We do need to just be in the moment and let go of the things that really don't matter in the grand scheme of things 🙂