Back from Va-cay

it’s always a little (sometimes a lot) sad to return home after spending time away. it’s especially rotten when the forecast includes a chance of snow. SNOW. for the record, i did not sign up for snow before Christmas. so, pay attention, mother nature. anywho, i’m a pretty serious homebody and miss my cats terribly when i’m not home with them. i’m the kind of person that actually looks forward to returning home to a routine and to normal activities, instead of dreading it. i just got home last night from a long weekend in North Carolina with my sister. gosh, i love that state.

as you probably know, i moved from there about 2 months ago. this was my first time being back since then and i was curious to see how it would feel. i wasn’t sure if i would feel like a resident again, or a tourist. unexpectedly, it was somewhere in between. it’s hard for me to believe that i liked there just two short months ago, but it also felt like second nature to be driving around and going to places i used to frequent during my time there. all i know is that i like that my sister still lives there because that’s a pretty perfect excuse to go bak and visit. oh, and when that baby arrives, Kate is going to have to drag me, kicking and screaming, to the airport when i have to leave after visits. actually, i’ll probably have to pry her off of of me when she drops me off. it’s going to get ugly, i know that much. thank God for modern technology and cheap flights, am i right?!

i enjoyed spending time with Kate, just me and her. i actually can’t remember the last time her and i spent a weekend together, just the two of us. we made breakfasts and dinners, watched movies, played with the cats (who woulda guessed), and did some casual shopping, as we often do, among other things. we attended a friend’s wedding on Sunday evening, which she did the hair for (it turned out beautifully!). Monday was spend turning me into a redhead (sorta) and decorating her house for Halloween.

i had pretty much only one goal for the entire weekend, which was to get my “signature dinner” from CookOut, the best fast food place. it consists of fries and a milkshake (i’m the picture of health, i know). the weekend was rapidly coming to an end and i had yet to enjoy this masterpiece and was getting a bit worried. thankfully, i have a sister who appreciates and enjoys signature dinners just about as much as i do, so we snuck one in on Sunday night, and it was everything i hoped it would be and more. just plain delicious. i’m really not one for fast food, but i am one for french fries and milkshakes.

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Lauren Bown Lifestyle Blog is an online destination where I share my personal style, beauty finds, and bits of life in hopes to inspire other women to feel good in their skin and find the beauty in the ordinary.

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  1. 10.22.13

    That sounds like a lovely weekend! I miss my sisters so much 🙁

  2. 10.22.13
    Dott said:

    Love French fries and milk shakes! The perfect salty/sweet combo!!

  3. 10.25.13

    Love CookOut! I am from the Midwest and never heard of it until a trip to NC two years ago. Maybe it is the "fat kid" inside of me, but it was my fav part of the trip. Haha